Health Coaching

Health Coach Services

As a Dr. Sears Certified Health Coach I provide a wide range of services to help individuals achieve their wellness goals. I offer one on one coaching for that individual experience, nutrition label reading within a pantry makeover and an online Prime Time Health Series.

individual consultations

Individual Consultations

Discover the best ways to achieve your health goals during this personal, intimate consultation where we will evaluate your current lifestyle, identify your needs, and develop a plan specific to your unique body.

Pantry Makeovers

Reading a nutrition label can be daunting. Do you know what to look for? In this session you will learn how to read a nutrition label, what to look for on the ingredient list and which foods in your pantry you may want to consider replacing with healthier options. This session is offered in person or virtually.


Online Classes

Gain the accountability and knowledge of a personal wellness coach while learning from home! Learn easy ways you can simplify your life while improving your overall health, weight, energy, and focus. Our Prime Time Health Series includes 5 weeks of self paced online modules, along with access to a private Facebook page with supporting content for the week including one live video each week to answer questions and reinforce the topics of the week.


Smart Shopping

Don’t let the aisles and aisles of choices at the grocery store intimidate you. Shop with confidence when you discover the secret to identifying healthy foods. Receive a suggested brand(s) shopping list and personalized attention during this fun shopping trip.


Group Presentations

My fun, interactive and educational health and wellness presentations are memorable and packed full of practical, affordable tips and advice. Perfect for community events, health fairs, business luncheons, schools, and more!

Workplace Wellness Programs

For every dollar spent on employee wellness programs, employers receive three to four dollars in healthcare savings according to researchers at Brigham Young University. Let me provide a wellness program customized to fit your needs!

Scientifically Based, Doctor Developed Nutrition Solutions

Take control of your health and learn simple, effective strategies to help prevent disease, sharpen thinking, boost energy, and more!

Unique Health Coaching Personalized to Your Life-stage

Optimal wellness begins with having the knowledge, practical tools, and accountability to make, implement, and maintain healthy Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, and Nutrition choices.


Adults & Seniors

People spend a lifetime investing in their IRA (Individual Retirement Account) yet invest nothing in their IRAH (Individual Retirement Account for Health). Add years to your life and life to your years with the Prime-Time Health Plan. Are you ready to...

  • Prevent disease and unhealthy aging
  • Boost energy levels and reduce stress
  • Sleep better and think sharper
  • Use good nutrition to reduce pain and inflammation
  • Reduce the risk of cancer and ailments such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and arthritis
  • Become fit, strong and flexible